
The following is not a comprehensive list but representative of some of my most popular consulting, presentations & workshops. I bring nearly 20 years of working in higher education; so there may be other areas and opportunities to consider.

I’ve done singular consultations for individuals, presentations for a handful of people (e.g. a small department) to workshops and keynotes for upwards of 500 people and everything in-between. I’ve advised departments, divisions, and leadership about teaching, learning, and technology. I can customize the presentation, workshop, or consultation to meet your needs in a collaborative manner. Presentations, workshops, and trainings can be run face-to-face, synchronous online video, or through asynchronous online engagement–or some mixture of all of those appraoches. 

Interested in contacting me about services?

That’s great and deeply appreciated! Please check out my Testimonials page to get a sense of what others have said about the level of services that I provide.

Please reach out to let me know the scope of the project and the likely range of compensation. If for some reason, we can’t make it work, please know that I will also do my best to provide recommendations of folks who can also support your work.

As someone who believes in universal access and someone who also needs to be compensated for his work, my goal is to figure out the best situation for both of us. You can reach me at this email.

When contacting me, the following would help me better understand, respond, and assess the feasibility of the request:

  • The audience
  • Day and time (or at least a sense of when in the future would be ideal)
  • The format (keynote, panel, workshop, ongoing programming, consulting, etc)
  • The focus and topic
  • The “one thing” you want the audience to walk away from the talk, event, workshop, etc if nothing else
  • The modality (virtual, hybrid, in-person)
  • Institutional/organizational context such as whether is it the first time approaching this topic, what’s come before, what is useful to know about the audience and recent organizational history, etc

Things you can expect from me

  • I will bring energy, enthusiasm, earnestness, and engagement.
  • My session will have interactive elements to it.
  • I’m open to having events recorded for institutional use/reuse.
  • I will create a resource that includes notes, recommendations, tips, and anything else that can help the conversation going after my time with your community. You can see examples of these resources on my Substack.
  • Slides and resources will be covered with a Creative Commons License for resharing and reuse.

Areas for consultations, keynotes, presentations, and workshops

Generative AI & Higher Education

The arrival of ChatGPT in late 2022 has created a stir in education and represents a watershed moment in artificial intelligence and education. What does it mean when students, faculty, or staff use these tools and how does that challenge our assumptions about authenticity, learning, and demonstrating knowledge? Developing policies and practices in the classroom and at the institution as a whole will be important in the years to come. However, those policies and practices needed to be steeped in understanding the technology, the faculty, the students, and the world we’re living in. I bring a balance of experiences, research, and understanding of the complexities of higher education and AI-generative tools that can be helpful in talking with faculty, administrators, or others within educational settings to develop effective policies and practices in the deployment of these tools.

In addition to my newsletter (AI+Edu=Simplified), you can find a variety of examples of my work in this area:

Workshops & Talks

Author or Contributor

Podcast Guest


Creativity in Course Design and Development

The changing dynamics of information, information delivery, and learning in the 21st century requires new and non-traditional approaches to education, teaching, and learning.  I rountinely examine the current trends and work at applying what will be most effective for student engagement and instructor facilitation.  If you are looking to create robust courses with dynamic content and meaningful assessment, I have years of direct and proxy experience working on such projects.

Digital Service Learning

Colleges and universities are currently engaged in a rich conversation on service learning, the role of civic engagement within higher education, and how the public good fit into all of that.  Meanwhile, the internet and its associative digital tools have been largely an untapped resource in the pursuit of civic engagement and service-learning in higher education.  While we have seen the rise of social entrepreneurs using digital technology to help various causes for years now, this is only starting to happen in higher education.  Over the past seven years, I have been actively involved in creating and helping others run digital service-learning projects that blend the best of the ethos of service-learning with the possibilities that digital technology.  With a view towards making service-learning relevant to every discipline, I can work with faculty and institutions to find ways to expand and enhance the service-learning work at your institution. To learn more about digital service-learning, please check out this resource on the DSL continuums, the DSL listserv, and this co-authored article by Danielle Leak and I on digital service-learning on EDUCAUSE Review.

Hybrid Flexible Pedagogy in Higher Education

With the rise of MOOCs, adaptive learning, competency-based learning and other tools or technologies, higher education needs to think about how it can offer something that AI cannot.  Add to the significant disruption that COVID-19 has brought to colleges and universities across the country, and different but smart approaches are needed. That can take many forms by a hybrid-flexible pedagogy that allow students to determine based on their context whether it is advantageous to attend a given class or go online for that day is an effective way of leveraging the brick-and-mortar institute in ways that online environments cannot.  I will work individuals, departments, divisions, or the entire college or university to craft a more flexible and dynamic deployment of education to meet your learners where they are and help them achieve success.

Learning Management System Transition

When institutions realize that their learning management system isn’t serving their needs, they need to engage in a lengthy and complex process to figure out whether a transition is necessary and what is the path forward to do so in a way that is manageable by staff, realistic for faculty, and supportive for students. In having been involved and even leading LMS transitions and significant upgrades, I can provide insights, advice, guidance, training, leadership, and support to any part of the process from initial assessment of the current LMS to review and debrief after the new LMS is up and running.

Open Education Initiatives

Open Education is a sweeping movement throughout the country.  As an extension of the mission of so many colleges, open education is focused on removing artificial barriers to learning for students so that they can focus their time and effort on the learning. With ample classroom use of open educational resources and having worked with dozens of faculty over the years to develop OER materials for their courses, I am skilled in guiding and supporting open education initiatives that are micro or macro in nature.  Whether you are launching a small push within your department or looking for a campus-wide kickoff, I can advise and support the growth of OER at your institution.

Part-Time Faculty Professional Development and Training

Part-time faculty are often performing with a net.  Institutions rarely provide them with the resources they need and as a result, the faculty often do their best but may not be meeting their full potential. In my various roles over the years, I have been routine involved in professional development programs for part-time faculty to not only help them become more effective instructors but also to help them to become a more included and recognized part of the institution.  I can help plan, design, launch, and facilitate professional development workshops or ongoing trainings that will improve the part-time faculty connections to the students and to the institution.

Profession Development for Online Faculty

As more classes end up online, how do you get faculty up-to-speed on the latest trends in teaching and learning in this ever-changing environment?  I can provide a range of workshops, trainings, and online courses to support faculty as they learn about, explore, and test out the new tools of the digital age.  More importantly, I can structure such learning in the language of pedagogy to help faculty think more about how to deploy tools meaningfully for the maximum learning potential of the students.

Professional Identity in a Digital World

In a world of social media, how do you navigate and represent yourself in the digital world? When employers, colleagues, and even potential dates are likely to “google” you before any meeting, you need to develop and maintain a professional identity in a digital world. I have been teaching and guiding individuals in how to craft a digital presence that can improve one’s professional possibilities and help in crafting a clear and consistent online identity through proper tool selection and regular maintenance.

Universal Design for Learning and Accessibility in Online Teaching and Learning

Higher education institutions are increasingly becoming subject to lawsuits regarding the inaccessibility of many of their face-to-face and online courses.  Rather than approach faculty from the lens or coercion into accessibility, I level the pedagogical practice of universal design for learning that helps faculty view their practices more broadly and leverage more inclusive practices that are more likely to create a classroom environment (physical or digital) that is welcoming and empowering to all students.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.