
The following is not a comprehensive list but representative of some of my most popular consulting, presentations & workshops. I bring nearly 20 years of working in higher education; so there may be other areas and opportunities to consider.

I’ve done singular consultations for individuals, presentations for a handful of people (e.g. a small department) to workshops and keynotes for upwards of 500 people and everything in-between. I’ve advised departments, divisions, and leadership about teaching, learning, and technology. I can customize the presentation, workshop, or consultation to meet your needs in a collaborative manner. Presentations, workshops, and trainings can be run face-to-face, synchronous online video, or through asynchronous online engagement–or some mixture of all of those appraoches. 

Interested in contacting me about Speaking?

Great! Let’s figure out what will work out for all of us.  Please check out my Testimonials page to get a sense of what others have said about the level of services that I provide.

If you already have something specific in mind, that’s great!  If you’re still trying to figure it out, then please take below for additional ideas and formats.

Please reach out to let me know the scope of the project and the likely range of compensation. As someone who believes in universal access and needs to be compensated for his work, my goal is to figure out the best situation for both of us. If for some reason, we can’t make it work, please know that I will also do my best to provide recommendations of folks who can also support your work.

When contacting me, the following would help me better understand, respond to, and assess the feasibility of the request.  These are all things that I’m going to ask in our first meeting so providing them in advance is incredibly helpful for both of us:

  • The audience
  • Day and time (or at least a sense of when in the future would be ideal)
  • The format (keynote, panel, workshop, ongoing programming, consulting, proven programs below, etc)
  • The focus and topic
  • The “one thing” you want the audience to walk away from the talk, event, workshop, etc if nothing else
  • The modality (virtual, hybrid, in-person)
  • Institutional/organizational context such as whether is it the first time approaching this topic, what’s come before, what is useful to know about the audience and recent organizational history, etc

Things you can expect from me

  • I will bring energy, enthusiasm, earnestness, and engagement.
  • My session will have interactive elements to it.
  • I’m open to having events recorded for institutional use/reuse.
  • I will create a resource that includes notes, recommendations, tips, and anything else that can help the conversation going after my time with your community. You can see examples of these resources on my Substack.
  • Slides and resources will be covered with a Creative Commons License for resharing and reuse.

Established Programs

The Lightning Talk

Description: A concise, clear, and applicable talk about generative AI focused on your organization, department, team, etc.  This 15-20 minute talk with a 10-15 minute Q&A will include a framework to use for thinking about generative AI and the area of work. It will consist of do’s and don’ts, some types of prompts to consider, and specific prompts to see how it could work along with some tips about prompting.  

Resources: A resource guide will also be included with additional curated learning materials, a prompt library, and the text of the talk with Creative Commons By license.  The client is welcome to record the session for internal use and repurpose.  


  1. Apply a framework for evaluating the potential impact and applications of generative AI within their specific organizational context.
  2. Construct effective prompts for generative AI tools, tailored to their department or team’s needs.
  3. Articulate at least three best practices and three potential pitfalls when implementing generative AI solutions in their work environment.
The Interactive Talk

An interactive talk that engages an organization, department, team, etc to walk them through some grounding understanding about what generative AI is, how to use it well, and how to think about it with regards to one’s professional usage of these tools.  This 50-75 minute talk with 15-30 minute Q&A provides a broader understanding of generative AI, guidance on its usage, and example prompts that participants can make use of after the session.  

Resources: A resource guide will also be included with additional curated learning materials, a prompt library, and the text of the talk with Creative Commons By license.  The client is welcome to record the session for internal use and repurpose.  


  1. Explain the fundamental concepts of generative AI and its potential applications within their professional context.
  2. Discuss how to craft effective prompts for generative AI tools, specifically tailored to their work-related tasks and challenges.
  3.  Critically evaluate the appropriate use cases for generative AI in their professional roles, weighing both the benefits and potential limitations of the technology.
The Introductory Workshop

This 120-150 minute workshop starts off with a 50-60 minute interactive talk with Q&A that engages an organization, department, team, etc to walk them through some grounding understanding about what generative AI is, how to use it well, and how to think about it with regards to one’s professional usage of these tools.  The talk provides a broader understanding of generative AI, guidance on its usage, and example prompts that participants can make use after the session. The ensuing workshop session will allow for participants have some committed time to play and interact with one or more generative AI tools using provided prompts.  Out of that interaction, participants identified specific will identify specific uses for which they can and will use generative AI for.   

Resources: A resource guide will also be included with additional curated learning materials, a prompt library, and the text of the talk with Creative Commons By license.  The client is welcome to record the session for internal use and repurpose.  


  1. Critically evaluate generative AI’s potential applications within their specific professional context.
  2. Craft and refine effective prompts for generative AI tools, tailored to their work-related tasks.
  3. Develop a personalized action plan for feasible applications of generative AI in their current role or projects.
The Build-It Workshop

This 3-6 hour workshop starts off with a 50-60 minute interactive talk with Q&A that engages an organization, department, team, etc to walk them through some grounding understanding about what generative AI is, how to use it well, and how to think about it with regards to one’s professional usage of these tools.  The talk provides a broader understanding of generative AI, guidance on its usage, and example prompts that participants can make use after the session. The event then moves into the first part mini-workshop where participants will have some committed time to play and interact with one or more generative AI tools using provided prompts.  Out of that interaction, participants identified specific will identify specific uses for which they can and will use generative AI for. Proceeding that participants as individuals, pairs, or small groups will actively use AI to build a resource, a plan, a project, etc or collectively create the guidance, policy, or practices for the team, department, or organization to impliment effective and ethical use of generative AI.  Upon completion of their creation, it will be shared with others for a peer-review process to further refine and improve up.  All projects will be collected and re-shared with the whole community as an initial repository of examples and use cases for generative AI.  

Resources: A resource guide will also be included with additional curated learning materials, a prompt library, and the text of the talk with Creative Commons By license.  The client is welcome to record the session for internal use and repurpose.  


  1. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of generative AI by:
    1. a) Explaining its core concepts and potential professional applications
    2. b) Critically evaluating its benefits and limitations in their specific work context
    3. c) Crafting effective, task-specific prompts for generative AI tools
  2. Develop and showcase practical skills in applying generative AI to their work by:
    1. a) Identifying specific use cases for their role or department
    2. b) Creating a tangible work product (e.g., resource, plan, or project) using generative AI tools
    3. c) Articulating the process and rationale behind their AI-assisted creation
  3. Contribute to organizational AI readiness by:
    1. a) Collaboratively developing guidelines or policies for ethical and effective AI use within their team or organization
    2. b) Engaging in peer review to refine AI-generated work, demonstrating critical assessment skills
    3. c) Contributing to a shared repository of AI use cases and best practices, fostering ongoing learning and innovation

Areas of Expertise

AI Policy Development and Implementation

As artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly transforms higher education, institutions face the challenge of integrating these technologies in ways that are both ethical and effective. AI has the potential to revolutionize teaching, learning, and administrative processes, but it also raises critical questions around data privacy, academic integrity, and equity. With my expertise in AI in education, I help institutions develop comprehensive, forward-thinking AI policies that not only harness the potential of these tools but also ensure they are used responsibly. My approach focuses on creating policies that are aligned with institutional goals, while addressing the ethical and practical considerations of AI implementation.

Possible Projects:

  • Conducting workshops for faculty and administrators to help them understand the implications of AI and how to navigate its use in educational settings.
  • Collaborating with leadership to develop an institution-wide AI policy that addresses ethical considerations, student privacy, and academic integrity.
  • Creating guidelines for faculty on how to incorporate AI tools into their teaching in ways that enhance learning while avoiding potential pitfalls.

In addition to my newsletter (AI+Edu=Simplified), you can find a variety of examples of my work in this area:

Workshops & Talks

Author or Contributor

Podcast Guest


AI Support & Guidance for Students, Faculty & Staff

Generative AI tools, like ChatGPT and others, are transforming the way we work, learn, and teach. These tools hold immense potential for creativity, efficiency, and innovation, but they also raise new challenges regarding their ethical use, effectiveness, and integration into the academic environment. I help institutions build comprehensive support systems for students, faculty, and staff to effectively and responsibly use generative AI. My approach focuses on providing clear guidelines, training, and resources that empower users to maximize the benefits of AI while understanding its limitations and risks.

Creativity in Course Design and Development

When it comes to course design and development, I believe that creativity is the key to engaging students and enhancing their learning experiences. Over the years, I’ve worked with institutions and educators to craft courses that go beyond the traditional lecture format, using innovative approaches that make learning more dynamic, interactive, and meaningful. Whether we’re incorporating digital tools, designing project-based learning experiences, or creating unique assessments, my focus is always on developing courses that not only meet learning outcomes but also inspire students to think critically and creatively.

Digital Service Learning

Service learning has always been an important way for students to connect their academic work to real-world social issues, but with the rise of digital tools and online platforms, we now have the opportunity to take service learning to a whole new level. Over the past several years, I’ve helped institutions integrate Digital Service Learning into their programs, combining the powerful principles of civic engagement with the flexibility and reach of digital technology. I’m passionate about helping faculty and students create meaningful, impactful service-learning projects that leverage the internet and digital tools to make a real difference in communities, whether local or global.To learn more about digital service-learning, please check out this resource on the DSL continuums, the DSL listserv, and this co-authored article by Danielle Leak and I on digital service-learning on EDUCAUSE Review.

Hybrid and Online Program Development and Evaluation

As institutions continue to expand their hybrid and online offerings, there is a growing need not only to evaluate existing programs but also to design new ones that meet the evolving needs of students. With my expertise in instructional design, online education, and digital pedagogy, I can help institutions develop robust, student-centered hybrid and online programs while also evaluating their effectiveness. This service ensures that both newly developed and existing programs are aligned with institutional goals, accreditation requirements, and industry standards.

Hybrid Flexible Pedagogy (HyFlex)

With the increasing demand for flexibility in education, particularly in light of the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, I help institutions implement Hybrid Flexible (HyFlex) Pedagogy to meet the evolving needs of both students and faculty. HyFlex pedagogy allows students to choose whether to attend classes in-person, online synchronously, or online asynchronously—based on their individual needs and preferences for any given class session. This approach provides maximum flexibility while ensuring that students still receive a high-quality, cohesive learning experience, no matter how they engage.

Leadership Development for Digital Transformation

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, effective leadership is key to driving successful digital transformation in higher education. I specialize in helping institutional leaders navigate the complexities of integrating digital tools, technologies, and new teaching methodologies across their campuses. Digital transformation isn’t just about adopting new technologies—it requires a shift in mindset, culture, and strategy. My approach to Leadership Development for Digital Transformation equips leaders with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to guide their institutions through these changes, ensuring that the digital transformation aligns with their long-term goals and enhances the student experience.

Learning Management System Transition

Transitioning to a new LMS is a complex and significant project for any institution. I have led and been deeply involved in LMS transitions, which has given me a unique understanding of the many challenges and opportunities that come with this process. From selecting the right system to ensuring faculty and students can use it effectively, my role is to make the transition as smooth as possible while maximizing the potential of the new platform.

Open Education Initiatives

Open Education is a movement that I am deeply passionate about, and I’ve spent years working with faculty and institutions to embrace it in meaningful ways. At its core, Open Education is about removing barriers to learning by providing students with access to high-quality educational resources that are freely available, customizable, and aligned with the institution’s goals for equity and inclusion. Whether it’s through the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) or fostering open pedagogical practices, I work with institutions to build initiatives that not only reduce costs for students but also empower faculty to design more inclusive and engaging learning experiences.

Part-Time Faculty Professional Development and Training

Part-time faculty are essential to the success of any institution, but often they don’t receive the same level of support and resources as full-time faculty. Having worked extensively with part-time faculty, I understand the unique challenges they face—balancing multiple teaching roles, limited access to institutional resources, and a sense of being disconnected from the broader academic community. I’m passionate about creating professional development opportunities that are specifically designed to empower part-time faculty, help them enhance their teaching, and feel more integrated into the institution.

Profession Development for Online Faculty

As online education continues to expand, faculty need to be well-prepared to teach effectively in the digital environment. Having worked extensively with online faculty and instructional design, I understand that teaching online requires a unique set of skills—from designing engaging digital courses to fostering interaction in virtual classrooms. My goal is to provide faculty with the training, resources, and support they need to confidently navigate online teaching, while ensuring that their courses are interactive, accessible, and aligned with best practices in digital pedagogy.

Professional Identity in a Digital World

In today’s interconnected world, having a strong and authentic professional identity online is no longer optional—it’s essential. Whether you’re an educator, researcher, administrator, or even a student, your online presence shapes how others perceive your professional capabilities and accomplishments. I’ve spent years helping individuals craft and refine their professional identities in digital spaces, ensuring that they represent themselves in ways that align with their goals and values. From social media profiles to personal websites to using generative AI to enhance and amplify your work, I guide individuals in developing a consistent, polished, and engaging digital persona that reflects their expertise and enhances their career opportunities.

Universal Design for Learning and Accessibility in Online Teaching and Learning

In today’s increasingly digital education landscape, ensuring that online courses are accessible to all students is not only a legal and ethical responsibility but also a powerful way to enhance learning outcomes for everyone. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) provides a framework for designing courses that meet the diverse needs of students by offering multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression. I’m passionate about helping faculty implement UDL principles and improve the accessibility of their online courses, so all students—regardless of ability, background, or learning style—can succeed.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.